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YUEN METHOD - What is it and how does it work?

Change in JOY and PEACE. The way with HEART

The Yuen Method is a no-touch energy technique with immediate and permanent results that brings peace, harmony and alignment of body, mind and spirit. This method helps overcome fear of rejection, removes limits, blocks and resolves various physical and emotional issues.

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Pavla Blackmore

certified YUEN METHOD consultant

Let me bring harmony into your life through energy changes with the Yuen Method.

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What is the YUEN METHOD ?

The Yuen Method is a pure energy current that connects us to our inner peace and strengthens our vitality. Its principles are based on thousands of years of kung fu practice and help us reach our full potential in all aspects of life.

What does YUEN METHOD solve?

How the YUEN METHOD works

Energy repair with the YUEN METHOD is like gentle energy surgery. It takes place in our energy field and focuses on the real causes of complications. The method removes the obstacles and fears that limit us and brings unconditional self-acceptance and a deeply fulfilled and contented life.

Physical problems:

Helps with pains such as headaches, abdominal pain, spinal pain, gratuitous pain, injury pain, and speeds healing after injuries. Once the energetic causes are addressed, these problems quickly disappear.


Emotional problems:

Addresses anxiety, stress, insomnia, loneliness, and other emotional obstacles. Helps process fear of rejection, feeling overwhelmed or restless thoughts.


Relationships and self-acceptance:

Yuen Method improves the quality of relationships with self and others. It helps remove emotional wounds, promotes self-esteem, self-confidence and fosters unconditional love. It brings peace, understanding and acceptance in relationships.


Activity, efficiency and decisiveness:

The method guides us to our full potential - it improves our decisiveness, increases efficiency and promotes the desire to learn new things. We accept new stimuli with joy and openness, which contributes to an active and harmonious life.


Metabolism and body balance:

Yuen Method helps to optimize metabolism, maintain fitness and promotes full health. It brings stability to physical and mental health and promotes sustainable long-term results.



How does my consultation with YUEN METHOD work?

  • You come in, you sit down in a chair, and I ask you a question

  • I'm going to clarify your topic and I'm going to start working with energy field repairs

  • During the session I find out how you feel and target my work to specific areas

  • You always leave the session feeling lighter and energized

  • Some topics we resolve right away and some we may see you repeatedly for

  • Usually 5 sessions are enough for a major life transformation

  • Yuen method can solve problems quickly and most importantly irreversibly, so don't expect a long and arduous process

References, or how you see it

Pavlínko, krásný den, chtěla bych Tě pozdravit, posdílet...hned den po metamorfě jsem zažila s maminkou zboření další zdi ve vztahu jedna k druhé daly jsme se do hovoru a tři hodiny promlouvaly a zakončily to obejmutím, kdy jsem poprvé cítila že se do něj dávám bez zábran a odmítání...povídaly jsme si jak to bylo když došlo k mému zplození a tentokrát jsem na to uslyšela když maminka řekla - cítila jsem velkou zlost a ponížení když jsme Tě počali ( maminka otěhotněla neplánovaně) a tak jsem si říkala, aha, tak už jsme doma celou tu dobu jsem se na ni podvědomě zlobila, že jsem zprvu zacítila nepřijetí z její strany...tak takjsou to zázraky, děkuji že se dějí, děkuji že můžeme si pomáhat vzájemně jsou to velké dary, díky Pavli krásný čas přeji

Pavla G.


Pavlínka a její provázení metodou Yuen je tak krásné stejně jako ona sama, žena nádherná <3 <3 <3

Pavla Geborah IsiriEl

yuen method

Ahoj Pavli, tak Ti píšu jak probíhala menstruace. Tak jak jsem Ti říkala ..v pátek se rozjela, bylo to slabé první den to je ok, v noci parádička, tedkom jsem měla zhruba 4h silnou MS a pak zase slabá.... Třetí den taky slabá a konec. Takže za mě super nemusela jsem se bát někam jít, protože normálně to tak je.


yuen method

Petra: Maminka co chvílemi "nedává" energii a chování svého syna vůči dětem. No známe to všichni, nebo?

Možná pět minut YUEN METHOD, možná ani ne.. jak jsem ponořená v práci, tak moc nevnímám čas, byla to asi chvilinka.

Maminka vnímá neutralitu a klid. Je otevřená a cítí svobodu. Objaly jsme se a popřály si krásné dny.


Petra mne při našem dalším setkání srdečně objala a říká, vše je jinak, já žiju! A syn mne nevyčerpává a nejsem unavená.


yuen method

Pár dní po ochutnávce Yuen metody se s ní mé tělo srovnávalo, ale celkově se uvolnilo. Už při samotném procesu mnou probíhal mráz a tělo se uvolňovalo. Další den už jsem nemusela otevírat okýnko v autě ani zastavovat.  Děkuji  

Pozn. Se Svaťkou jsme řešily nevolnosti v autě.


yuen method

Eva: Přišla a že ji bolí hlava.

Stačila chvilka, pár minut, podívala jsem se na příčiny s YUEN METHOD...


Tolik práce, co po YUEN METHOD kamarádka ZVLÁDLA, já tedy hleděla!!

A když odcházela, říká mi:

"Pavli, já myslela, že dnes nic nezvládnu, že si snad půjdu lehnout a TEĎ, jsem jak raketa!:-)"


yuen method


On a personal level, the YUEN METHOD is what I live in my closest relationships.

Specifically the relationships with my children, teenagers or not it just lives with us and you may hear this phrase from me often. And so to smoothly navigate through these challenges and pitfalls, I "have" the YUEN METHOD.


In the work area, YUEN METHOD gives me a new and better level of access to meetings and teleconferences and negotiations.

The results are very effective and proactive meetings while being pleasant and human. There is a togetherness and we pull together. We are able to get straight to the point and we AGREE with all people on the BEST way to do it.



Okay, I was inattentive and as a result clumsy and locked my thumb in the trunk of my car. Yeah, it was a YAY. And a shock.

And as I recovered, within seconds I did the Yuen Method treatment.

Within moments, the pain subsided and the shock wore off.

And it did! All the while, I was aware of my great, I mean ultimate, confidence in Yuen, in myself, in the fact that it ALL worked.

It happened on Thursday evening, yesterday I functioned as usual, in the afternoon I enjoyed ashtanga yoga, all the asanas, it wasn't that I was saving myself. And today, I don't know what happened.


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