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YUEN METHOD Česko Pavla Blackmore

Let's live healthy and fully and open up all possibilities,
how to live in harmony and health and according to your heart and inner strength 

YUEN METHOD Česko Pavla Blackmore

Are you ready for a change? 

Contact me!

Tyršova 445, Slavkov u Brno, Czechia


Pavla Blackmore

I'm already on this path and I'm allowing you to jump behind me. NOW. BROWN.

You are right here

Do you long for connection to yourself, to your heart, to your intuition? Do you want to live life better, more wholely and fully and in harmony with your soul and heart?

Do you want a solution to the situation - in relationships, at work, in the family - in which you are and do not see a solution?

Are you looking to transform and release your trauma and pain? Because maybe you already feel how it is holding you in place and you already want to move in life?

Do you want to be healthy and do you want to follow the path of solving the cause and longing to return to health on a physical or emotional or psychological level?

Moje aktivity

Contact me!

Tyršova 445, Slavkov u Brno, Czechia


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